Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wonderful Tonight-Eric Clapton

Do I look alright?
..I say yes.. you look wonderful tonight..
..I say yes.. I feel wonderful tonight..
..I say yes.. you look beautiful every night..:)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie

Sometimes a song can make a difference, and this is one of them.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Do It!

Tell Mama….It’ll Be All Right!

Some of us have been with our parents for ten or twenty years. We have been conditioned to respect, to follow certain rules:
“Don’t make Mak and Pa upset, Khmas Ke, why did you not ask Mak and Pa first?”
“Look, look your cousin is a doctor”, to walk, sit or hold a spoon in certain ways since childhood.
When some of the rules are not properly followed, “…see, see you didn’t listen to us again” Many times of this phrase, we always look over our shoulders for direction.

Following the rules of our parents is important but following your own dream just captures it all, regardless. For example, look at what Kalyan says on her page, “Yearning …Ambition …Novelty” She is tough and she is “bring it on!”

The potential of personal growth and success lies in taking chances and making mistakes early on in life, because everything we do involves mistake(s) anyway. Therefore, if you decide to do something, do it by telling no one. If mama says something, grab her hand, look her in the eye and put it in a nice tone, “Mama I love you so much, but I love me too.”

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Som Cheik

It costs $1.50 or 6,000 riels each, no plastic accepted :) Try now while supplies last!!
If you'd like it over ang, it can be done too. Enjoy!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

I Want My Daughter to Read

Christian Groups help Cambodian children in Rong Domriex learn how to read Khmer from “a Sony cassette player powered by two wires clipped to a car battery.”

Read these amazing words from Tel Im’s father, “It doesn’t matter if my daughter is Christian. My focus is education. I can’t read or write. I want my daughter to."

"I am pleased that my daughter is dreaming of getting a job someday, now that she can read, instead of spending her days collecting firewood.”

The girl in red shirt is Tel Im.