Saturday, December 29, 2007

"Apologize" by Timbaland

The song says,"It's too late to apologize..." I like both the music and the lyrics, but I say it's never too late to apologize.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Let's Face It!

Mean Rube, Mean Tok, Mean Rube Also Mean Happiness!

Put it literally, “where there is body, there is misery” That’s what I thought I believed, that what I often hear and that is true. But, if you can also accept another believe right now that where there is body, there is always hope and happiness then your new life transformation has begun-your energy level.

There is also another saying that goes like this, “Two men were looking from prison bars. One saw mud the other saw stars.” For a long time I had seen mud. It was not that there were no stars but it was my thought that refused to see the stars. I had been conditioned to compound, to compare, to compete….

Let me start with a familiar phrase. I am not happy because I do not have enough money, because I am not good enough, because it’s my fault again. This mentality of not having enough, not being good enough, not, not, not had mudded my thought with Tok and restlessness. It had pushed me into a constantly striving mode where I was not satisfied with myself and with what I had. My emotion had run in full capacity, where there were only despair and resentment.

Now I still do not have enough money, still have the same friends. But, I’ve let go of my desire of those three C’s and resentments. I allow and I am happy with what others have to do with their lives and with what I have to do with mine. In other words, I let things be. I have focused my intention mostly on good and joy. In doing so, my thought seems to see some stars.

Tok and happiness have been here with us for a long time. Each of them shows up in our lives only if we allow our thought to attract them. So instead of attracting Tok, attract joyfulness. Or, always think of Mean Rube Mean Hope and Mean Happiness!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Black Friday

This HP is on sale at Best Buy store tomorrow at a 30% discount

This Sony laptop above is on sale for half of its original price

One of the big sales in the US is black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Some hot items are sold 30 to 50 percent discounted, but there is a catch. You have to wait in line at the store at 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. in a cold temperature. Some stores open at 5:00 or 6:00 a.m.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The MilkyWay

I went hiking and fishing the other day. It was cold, but a sunny day. I’ve got only one fish and it was a little stingray. All fish had gone away that day.

It was almost noon, and another fisherman asked me, “Hey, what do you have for lunch today?” I showed him my snack bar: The MilkyWay. That was all I had that day. It tastes so good, you’ve made my day.

Kalyan and Kounila which one is your favorite?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Each Dollar Spent on Gasoline

Source: The Washington Post, November 8, 2007

Gasoline on The Rise in The US

There are three grades of gasoline that you can fill up your car: good, better and best. Regular one costs $3.01 per gallon (~3.8 liters) as you can see. Kounila, how much is it now per liter in Phnom Penh?

Cost per liter in Phnom Penh:
Regular: $1.10
Better grade: $1.12
Diesel: $.90
Source: Keo, Kounila-Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

Say It and Say It Now!

Have you ever been to a friend’s house and a golden-retriever (dog) comes to greet you? What do you say to the dog? You’d say in a kind tone, “Good boy, good boy” and you’d pat his head back and forth. The dog wags its tail and tries to lick your hand with the feeling of acceptance and delight.

When was the last time you felt good when you were told that you look good, fantastic, strong, sexy… Visit that moment and think how a few good words from your friend could affect your feeling.

Look no further on a recent comment from Kounila to Kalyan, “…you look healthy and beautiful…” Just a few good words and a press of a button, somebody more than 9000 miles away in New York “… I feel flattered

Imagine you are just a few meters away from your parents, your teachers, boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancĂ©(e). You look them in the eye and say these positive words to them. You won't beleive how they’ll be profoundly grateful and amazed.

When you tell people good things about themselves, you send them love and energy, good energy, and you’ll be likely to receive unlimited love and energy back like this perfume says life without boundaries. So, say it and say it now!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Khmer Stars

Here she is. Very pretty and calm.

Regardless of what her personal life has been said, given the condition that I do not know and I do not want to know, she has my support. She's got great talent for her voice. She sings like a bird. She is very pretty, charming and sexy. Talking about sexy. When Heng Bun Leap was here, women went nuts waiting for pictures. He is handsome, friendly and sexiest man alive as ladies put it!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pchum Ben Wat Maryland 10/14/07

Left side of Wat Maryland

Back Entrance

Listening to monks tasna.

Monks are chaning (eating)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Apple Tree

This is neither Global Witness nor Global Warming. Its leaves seem to fall off faster than other trees.

Red Apple

One tree can hold so many, at least 150-200 apples.

Red Apple

It tastes so good.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


There is a little phrase at the backgroud. Can you see it?


I took this great quote from Keo, Kounila, another blogger, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter..."

Now let’s share the first question, whether it's love or whether it's life experience.

What makes you happy or feel good?

Let me share my answer and you can share yours.
In order for me to be happy or to feel good, I must detach what makes me sad, what stresses me. I have to also let go of competition and comparison. I think that when there is competition, there are winners and losers. When I think of winning and losing, the mind just never rests.

Read this great statement I took it from a MPA student at Maxwell School, Syracuse University, " Life isn't just about academic achievements; it isn't just about getting straight As, and of course I am not going to get straight As." And that MPA student is Keo, Kalyan. Translation: competition stresses me out and it's not the end of the road if I don't get As. Life is full of other joy and fun.

And to feel good, I have to see good in myself and others. I try to associate myself with happy friends as much as possible. I stay away from gloating or finding people’s faults because I have learned that when I try to find or talk about people’s problems, I will soon become the problem. And, when it comes to any arguments with my friends, I often surrender. Surrendering meaning that I allow my friend to do the driving, the horning... and I do the sitting, the listening. After a few times, argument just does not exist because there is no one to argue with, and we are in harmony and are friends again.