Monday, November 5, 2007

Say It and Say It Now!

Have you ever been to a friend’s house and a golden-retriever (dog) comes to greet you? What do you say to the dog? You’d say in a kind tone, “Good boy, good boy” and you’d pat his head back and forth. The dog wags its tail and tries to lick your hand with the feeling of acceptance and delight.

When was the last time you felt good when you were told that you look good, fantastic, strong, sexy… Visit that moment and think how a few good words from your friend could affect your feeling.

Look no further on a recent comment from Kounila to Kalyan, “…you look healthy and beautiful…” Just a few good words and a press of a button, somebody more than 9000 miles away in New York “… I feel flattered

Imagine you are just a few meters away from your parents, your teachers, boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancĂ©(e). You look them in the eye and say these positive words to them. You won't beleive how they’ll be profoundly grateful and amazed.

When you tell people good things about themselves, you send them love and energy, good energy, and you’ll be likely to receive unlimited love and energy back like this perfume says life without boundaries. So, say it and say it now!


K.K. said...

Hi Vannak,

Are you promoting the perfume?? funny?

Say it. Say it now!

Random Blogger said...

At first, I thought you just bought that perfume! lolz...

Well, you are right in a way that people need motivation to move on, especially from your loved ones. However, you also need something that are critical to you so that you can improve yourself. You need to hear from both sides, the good and the bad points of you!

Vanak said...


Thank you for your comment, at least you find it fun reading it. Are you kidding me? I don’t even know what it smells like, let alone promoting it. But, I am sure it must smell good like its label.

I got the ads through the mail, and as I went through each page, I found the label "life without boundaries" very interesting. It just clicked my mind, and there I went. I am saying it now! You’ve made me smile.


Thank you too for your comment. You are my inspiration. I agree with you without question asked that every slice of bread has two sides no matter how it’s sliced. I say it and I say it again!

K.K. said...

However, you also need something that are critical to you so that you can improve yourself. You need to hear from both sides, the good and the bad points of you!
I agree with you 100%, sis. But you know, sis, it's sometimes hard to accept something very critical. Even our lips say 'Okay, I accept your ideas'. Your feelings can change from time to time. You might even think that you are incapable. Well, sis, i'm talking about myself..haha...

I remember M. Gandhi saying "I am willing and happy to accept someone's criticism said with polite and good words."

And I agree with him. When someone criticises us, why not do it for constructive use? Some people do it just for instructive use. :D

Thank you for your comment, at least you find it fun reading it.I am saying it now! You’ve made me smile. is fun living. But this sentence is said depending on people. Sometimes I find this word can't be used with me or with other people. But at least we find fun in doing things. Laughing and smiling costs nothing. Nors?? :D

Do you both know about Steng Meanchey? :DPlease let me know.

Vanak said...


Yes, I know where Steng Meanchey is, but I do not know about it.

K.K. said...

Wow...I didn't see my last post published. Why? I hope you didn't like my last post. That's why it's invisible..

Vanak said...

When was that? Do it again please. My heart is as wide open as it can be:)Do it, do it again!

There are only three of us here, two with the same last name and another one is about to change.

K.K. said...

OHh...i can't remember all what I said..but that was about Steung Meanchey and how I managed to write a story about the garbage picekrs for my homework.

I just dont'know what and how to start..:( fault, maybe, as I was rushing to turn the computer off for home :(...hmmm..yes...Mr. Keo Vannak...Welcome to our Keo team.

I knwo another little girl whose naem is Keo Kalyan as well..I think big sis Kalyan knows her as well...a big family!

Random Blogger said...

I have been to Steung Meanchey once. It is not just a mountain with full of dumps and dirts, it is also a house to many poor, and those are struggling for a living. I interviewed some of the people and kids there, they still sent their kids to school, which I am happy to hear that. The kids are very enthusiastic and optimistic. I remember one of the kids want to be a teacher. Actually there is an NGO who is helping those people living in that area. Anyway, I hope better future for them will arrive soon :-)

Random Blogger said...

Kounila, I suggest you visit the place and find out. It's worth visiting! I am sure after the visit, you will have a better idea how to write the story.

Yes, Deedee is another Keo Kalyan. I know her. she's very smart.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sis,

You're absolutely right.

I have visited the dumpsite several times in order to write a feature/long story for my lecturer. It was a hard sight to look at but I must see everything. True, a lot of children can go to a few NGO centers or school while they have to pick garbage any time after lessons. The children look curious :) and want to learn but some told me that it's obligatory to go to the centers as they want 10 kilos of rice provided by the centers to their family.

Hey, what a surprise! A kid (garbage picker) there could speak English with a foreigner! :D In the center very near the dumpsite, teachers teach Khmer and English.

Anonymous said...

Yes, sis, I want all the Cambodians to get to know how people survive at the dumpsite. They are struggling to live from day to day without a specific purposes. A lot of parents aren't sure if they will send all their children to school till they finish their education. But some parents are hopeful that their children will have better lives in the NGO centers.

I visited the village around the waste site. The villagers live in cottages and wooden (a bit tattered) houses and all of them come from provinces. Some who have farms to do will go back during the right seasons and will come back after that.hmmm......

I think all the people need respect but not pity. I didn't show them any pity but great respect to daily endurance in living and working there.

News: the dumpsite will be moved from Steung Meanchey to another place.

what do u think?

Vanak said...


What a story! It's taking my mind there while reading it. I'd like to see the dumpsite please. On a bright day take me a few pictures.

Anonymous said...

Let's have a look at these pictures taken at the ECCC. :D

Will take some pics of the Steung Meanchey dumpsite for you, bro and sis. :D

Nila :)

Say it, say it now