Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I took this great quote from Keo, Kounila, another blogger, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter..."

Now let’s share the first question, whether it's love or whether it's life experience.

What makes you happy or feel good?

Let me share my answer and you can share yours.
In order for me to be happy or to feel good, I must detach what makes me sad, what stresses me. I have to also let go of competition and comparison. I think that when there is competition, there are winners and losers. When I think of winning and losing, the mind just never rests.

Read this great statement I took it from a MPA student at Maxwell School, Syracuse University, " Life isn't just about academic achievements; it isn't just about getting straight As, and of course I am not going to get straight As." And that MPA student is Keo, Kalyan. Translation: competition stresses me out and it's not the end of the road if I don't get As. Life is full of other joy and fun.

And to feel good, I have to see good in myself and others. I try to associate myself with happy friends as much as possible. I stay away from gloating or finding people’s faults because I have learned that when I try to find or talk about people’s problems, I will soon become the problem. And, when it comes to any arguments with my friends, I often surrender. Surrendering meaning that I allow my friend to do the driving, the horning... and I do the sitting, the listening. After a few times, argument just does not exist because there is no one to argue with, and we are in harmony and are friends again.

1 comment:

Random Blogger said...

Thanks for quoting my words ;-)